Heal To Thrive - Quantum Self-Healing Program

Best Offer - ($836 ADDITIONAL SAVING): 1x payment option $2,497.00 Only ++BONUS 4x 1:1 COACHING SUPPORT SESSIONS

8-Week Online Self-led Energy Healing Program + Inner Circle Coaching Sessions:

  • Quantum Healing - Self-Healing Systems – $12,997 value

  • Empowered Living - Self-Empowerment Education – $7,997 value

  • Inner Circle Group - Bi-Weekly LIVE Sessions – $3,108 value

  • Bonus #1 - 24/7 Email/Messenger Support – $4,997 value

  • Bonus #2 - Lifetime Access to New Content – $Infinite value

Total Value of OVER $29,997+!!!

ONLY $2,497.00 - Pay in Full Offer

What People Are Saying:

Janlia provided me with an amazing energy healing. I am blown away how it worked across the miles. We connected and discussed some things I was going thru and she listened and whatever magic she worked on her end I felt succinctly a day or so later. My 'stuckness' became unstuck and I felt significantly better. I recommend her work to anyone that is curious to try.

K.R., Michigan, USA

Janlia has a beautiful gift to offer the community. She listens deeply and intuitively. She was able to shift areas in my life where I felt stuck. Janlia was also able to help my dog who is full of anxiety. I highly recommend her and her gift.

M.R., Los Angeles, USA

A new way to re-evaluate yourself (mind and body) in order to lead a better and healthier life! Having constant physical symptoms due to stress and anxiety, the energy healing I received really helped me get to the root of my issues and allowed me to feel more at peace, which in turn improved my physical health.

E.C., Spain

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Agreement. I (Client) agree to the following terms and conditions for a healing or coaching relationship (Program) with Janlia Riley, Heartful Living Coaching & Healing (Healer/Coach).

Fees. All fees are non-refundable. Any unused funds may be transferred based upon Client and Healer/Coach agreement.



  1.  Meeting Schedules. Healing/Coaching sessions will be scheduled by mutual convenience.

The date and time for proceding healing/coaching session/s will be scheduled at the end of each session. Pre-paid sessions are non-refundable but transferable for use by another session within the designated time limits. The "Body Code Energy Healing Session" must be used within 60 days of purchase. The "Clear My Heart-Wall Healing" and "Heartful Living Healing Package" must be used within 90 days of purchase. Any unused sessions can not be refunded.

  1.  Cancellation Policy. A 24-hour notice is needed to postpone and re-arrange scheduled sessions. If I postpone a healing/coaching session without notice, I will be charged for that missed session.
  2.  Disclosure. Healing/coaching is a legal, stand-alone self-help profession. Its goals are to motivate for a more rewarding life, career, and overall outlook. Healing/coaching does not require licensing as a healing arts profession. Information is confidential within legal obligation. I recognize that my Healer/Coach is a certified coach by the Natural Wellness Academy, which is recognized as a board-certified learning institution by the American Association of Drugless Practitioners and Certified Emotion Code Practioner with Discover Healing. 

I understand that no claim is made as to the certain efficacy of any nutritional or supplement protocols. Additionally, I understand that this program may also include recommendations to bring balance to the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual components of my being. These recommendations may include but are not limited to, stress reduction techniques, food modifications, exercise, and mindfulness recommendations. I understand that adopting any of these recommendations is voluntary and by choice. Results cannot be guaranteed and I will not hold my Healer/Coach responsible for unwanted outcomes that I may perceive as a result of the relationship.

  1.  Cooperation. I agree to follow the recommendations of my coach to the best of my ability and will communicate any changes or concerns to said coach.  I recognize that my healer/coach can only make suggestions but cannot enforce their fulfillment.

All services are confidential and involve keeping me in touch with my highest aspirations and moving forward to immediately act on new opportunities and strengthen and enrich my sense of wellbeing. Coaching services are a formational process for transformation that guides me through proactive actions to positive outcomes, helps me deal with any obstacles, and offers feedback and support for abundance on all levels. My healer/coach’s goal is for me to become accountable to myself to live up to my full potential.  By signing this Client-Coach agreement I consent to my Healer/Coach’s guidance and commit to doing my very best to fulfill the suggestions and to communicate openly with my Healer/Coach about any blockages, resistance, or disagreements. 

By checking this disclaimer, I consent to all of the above terms and agreement.